Are all of you tired of pictures of my family? SORRY! :) Today I took Jack's 1 year pictures. He was not in the best mood because we took them so late in the day, but once we got started, he was great!! There should have been a video of all of us trying to get Jack to smile and look at the camera! There were things put on my head and people sitting on me! It was very interesting!
As you know if you have been following my blog, his birthday theme was trains, so we had to find train tracks! I would normally have a fat cupcake waiting at the end of the session, but Jack is not a fan so I thought I would try watermelon...BUT HE DOESN'T LIKE THAT EITHER! HAHA. Josh and I are the picky ones of the family, but Jack has decided he wanted to join us! I was super excited about the way these turned out!
Here is a sample!