Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Jack Jack" is 2!!!

My "Jackers" is 2 on Thursday!!! (he's my awesome nephew:) I had so much fun today just hanging out with Jack and watching him run! He was a real trooper because I had him standing in some weird places, none of which seemed to be very fun! I put dad AND mom to work too! (I can totally do that, they are family!) We pulled out all the stops, I even had a squeaky toy to get his attention! It was nice seeing just Jack without Lawson. I am pretty sure Jack thinks Lawson is insane, so he was the shining star on this day!

So here is a few from our session today. It is sooo hard to pick my favorites, so you should head on over to and see the rest:)

"Issa" loves you, Jack Jack!!! And I am pretty sad you are two years old. If you could stop growing, that would rock, thanks:)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Addison Turns 3!!

Addison will be 3 in just a few short weeks!!! I can't believe it! She is so tall, funny, and full of curls!! (Not to mention beautiful!) Addison's mom, Heather, and I went to college together at MTSU, so I have watched Addison grow up. And let me tell you, this girl has always known just what she wants and when she wants it!

I had so much fun today with that cute little family of three:) Addison did everything we asked her to, even if she thought we were pretty much crazy. She even got to play in the water of a creek! And at the end, Dad let us play with his newly signed Chipper Jones bat! Thank you so much to all 3 of you for letting me take pictures of your sweet girl! Can't wait for the party! (I mean, Lawson can't:)